About Us

Our goal is to inspire people all over the world to completely be who they are, embrace who they are, and be motivated to continue visualizing their transformation into the best version of themselves.


The Author

After having been exposed to the ideology of the law of attraction and watching The Secret, I began to shift from writing my goals down on paper to vision boarding on poster boards. The only problem with this shift was that I missed journaling.

I collected a million journals and wrote inside each one. I know, it's crazy. I didn't want to abandon my favorite outlet of documenting my thoughts on paper, which started at twelve years old. With no solution in sight, I continued to make a new vision board every year and collect new journals that I'd write in from time to time.

After several years of vision boarding, they would eventually get thrown out. I'd fold them and put them in the closet or under the bed. Some would end up in storage units as I moved from place to place, and at times several eventually were tossed in the trash. Yikes. I hate to admit it, but it's true.

An aha moment came to me, and I decided to frame the last vision board I created in 2018. Crafting my vision board this way gave it a classy "Veronica-Esque" feel that I was proud to keep.


The Journal

Have you completed a vision board that you wanted to keep private? Or, maybe you've done so many that you no longer know where to keep them?

Ask yourself, where are the vision boards that you've previously created? Don't feel bad; some of mine went in the trash too. Beneath the Surface is the perfect solution for you. Keep your vision board to yourself if you want, stow it away, or cut the pages out if you'd prefer to organize them on a poster board. You can even take it with you wherever you go.

Beneath the Surface is your vision board and guided journal experience. We're bridging the gap between vision boarding and the inner work required to see your dreams and goals manifest! You can write all the plans down and glue all of the pictures you want. But if you do not believe that you can do it and have it, simply put, YOU WON'T!  My prayer is that this exceptional journal takes you to a place where you can unload, let go, forgive yourself and anyone else. Set yourself free to discover and accomplish your heart's desires. Beneath the Surface is a must-have journal that will take you places that you didn't know you needed to go.